Flashomatic also
known as BW8, BWW11, BW12 and Cast Iron Rambler.
Was used 1956-71 in various Rambler, Studebaker and
Packard models. It was known as the BW-8 (Model 8) from 1956-66 and the BW-12
(Model 12) from 1967-up. There was also a Model 11 from
1967-71. The Model 8 has "N8" cast into the case, Model 11 has
"N11" cast into the case, and the Model 12 has "N12" cast into the
case. The BW-12 was used 1973-74 in some Ford products.
This was an hydraulically controlled rear wheel drive
It had a cast iron case and an aluminum bell
housing. It was similar to Ford's Fordomatic used from 1951-1967
and FMX which came out in 1968, but few of the parts are
Band adjustments:
Intermediate = ¼" servo travel Reverse = 1½
(click on picture to enlarge)
Pan gasket